Look no further than our FAQ section for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. Our informative resource is designed to proide you with quick and easy access to important information about our software, services, and policies. Explore our comprehensive list below to find the answers you need to make informed decisions for your business. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, our team is always available to assist you.
Frequently-Asked Questions
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Why should I choose Paymate?
Paymate has been providing businesses with cost-effective payroll and HR solutions for years. Our simple and reliable software has helped organizations of all sizes run their payroll how they want to – you shouldn’t have to wait weeks to make a change in your system. You can easily make changes to your own system, and you will always have our knowledgeable and friendly support team to help you out when you need it. You’re in great hands right from the start!

Contact Us
General Inquiries
1-866-729-6283 ext. 2
1-866-729-6283 ext. 1